Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eastern Market

I am finding that I am doing a lot of walking these days.  For example, this morning I walked to Lincoln Park because I had heard that there was Tao Chi every Saturday morning at 8 a.m.  But all I could find were dog walkers.  So I came home and decided to go to the farmer's market.  It is a different direction about 8 blocks from my house.  It is a wonderful market and is very famous in DC.  It was started in 1863. I bought tomatoes, corn, peaches, bread, summer squash and a basil plant.  Since I am walking, I have to carry it home.  It limits the amount of purchases.  I don't go anywhere without a large canvas bag.  Everyone here brings their own bags when they buy something.  I have it stocked with a notebook and pen, book to read, metro card, and camera.  Today I took two bags.

In the evening I am going to the opening potluck social for all of the Einstein Fellows and I still did not have anything at my house that I could bring, so I went out again and walked to Safeway to buy fixings for potato salad.  Since I am from Idaho, I thought it was appropriate dish to take.  This is another 4 blocks each way and now I am carrying 10 lb. of potatoes, jar of pickles, mayo, onion, and eggs.  I have a ride for this evening so I do not have to walk to the metro.  With all of the walking, I think I have lost at least 5 pounds already.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

The girls and I will have to come and spend the day wil you to see this grat market.