Sunday, October 2, 2011

Green Bank Radio Telescope Observatory

Saturday morning Geraldine and I drove to Green Bank, West Virginia to meet other Einstein Fellows at the site of the largest radio telescope in the U.S.  We gone on the same field trip the previous year.  It was a great retreat and an opportunity to get away from work and the city.  It is a "quiet zone" and we had no cell phones, computers, and limited digital camera use.  It is about a 5 hour drive from my apartment.

This is the largest radio telescope in North America.  It is more than 400 feet high.  The area of the disk is about 2 1/2 acres.  They also have many other smaller and older telescopes.  There are about 70 total.  The observatory is financed by the National Science Foundation.

It was a relaxing weekend with fresh, crisp air.  We stayed in a dorm-like rooms with a shared kitchen and lounging area.  In the evening we played Scrabble and Uno.  West Virginia is beautiful.  We were right in the middle of the Shenandoah  Mountains.


Bob said...

Hi Brenda. Looks like a nice place to visit and the white one looks huge.

BrianG said...

I want to go!

Brenda in DC said...

It is huge. the largest in N America.