Thursday, February 3, 2011

CE21 Community Meeting in New Orleans

Computing Education for the 21st Century.  This is the name for a new solicitation for proposals at NSF.  There was a meeting of about 400 Principle Investigators (PIs) that have grants from our division at NSF.  I and two other Einstein Fellows were there to help keep it all organized. It was a fun mixture of work and play.  I have a variety of pictures to document my trip.
I had a short presentation to give about the Research Experiences for Teachers grants that I have been working with.  It is a program where k-12 teachers have the opportunity to go to a university during the summer and work on a research project with a college professor.  Afterwards, the teachers infuse the research and computational thinking into their classrooms during the school year.  I am in charge of planning a meeting for 41 RET teachers in Arlington.

There was also plenty of time for trying the local cuisine.  These are oysters on the half shell.  Not bad with the cocktail sauce with lots of horseradish.

Looking out on the bay on a foggy morning.

And of course, Bourbon Street was loud, and full of drunks.


Bryana said...

so it sounds like the oysters were good if you drown out their flavor :)

Brenda in DC said...

Yeah, pretty much. The hotter the sauce, the better they are.