Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Work, work, work.

Well, the last two weeks have been filled with work.  A little about the National Science Foundation.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…" With an annual budget of about $6.9 billion (FY 2010), we are the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America's colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. 

We have been busy with panel reviews.  NSF puts out a solicitation and universities submit grant proposals.  These are put into groups and a panel of proposal reviewers come to NSF for two days.  During these two days, the reviewers decide which of the proposals are Highly Competitive, Competitive, Low Competitive, and Non-Competitive.  It is a very intense process and involves long days.  I had a panel last week and a panel this week.  

But it is not all work.  Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.

The International Horse Show was in DC.  Two streets were blocked off and filled with temporary stalls for the million dollar horses.

I happened on this swing band performing at the National Portrait Museum.  They were fun and put on a great show.  People danced.  I stayed for a couple of hours listening and watching.

The Newseum.  Everyday the front page of major papers from every state in the union are displayed on the sidewalk in front of the museum.  This is the Idaho Statesman for Idaho's paper.

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