Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Week of March 6, 2012

Interesting week here in DC.  I am on a committee that writes and publishes a bimonthly newsletter, called CS Bits and Bytes, for teachers and students about computer science.  One of our future editions will feature Artificial Intelligence, so we were very excited to learn that Dr. David Ferrucci, from IBM, was coming to NSF.  Dr. Ferrucci's team created Watson, the super computer that played the champions of Jeopardy and won.  We were able to meet with him before he gave his presentation to NSF.  We also video taped an interview with him and a local high school student.

Yesterday was the Intel Science Talent Search Gala.  Many of the Einstein Fellows were invited. What an evening.  It is a black tie affair, so we get to dress up.  40 of the top high school science fair winners are brought to DC.  They spend a week here and are treated like royalty.  They get to meet the President and then on the last day they showcase their projects at the Gala and the top ten are announced and receive a cash prize ranging from $10,000 for number ten and increasing to $100,000 for number one.  These kids are amazing.

The 40 best science fair students from across the US.

A full sit down dinner with a waiter in a tuxedo waiting at each table to serve wine to each guest.

Me, all dressed up.

Finally, today our office celebrated Pi Day, March 14, with lots and lots of pie. My division is a great place to work with some really nice people.

My office mates, Einstein Fellows Michael Picconi and Ann Drobnis.


BrianG said...


Bryana said...

Very fancy. You look great.

Bob said...

The Computer Science graduates from BSU are finding a lot of jobs. One took a job then had three offers after he accepted his job. I picked this from yesterdays Statesman.

Bob said...

B T W, You looked very nice all dressed up.